What is the consultation?

Consultations work best via zoom but can be done over the phone. They generally last around 20 minutes, sometimes a bit less. I usually introduce myself and ask you to tell me a bit more about yourself and your background. We go through how we will work together, and practical things like day and time of sessions and how to pay. We also speak about a counselling agreement and how I will work to keep your details and anything you tell me confidential.

If you're unsure of anything or don’t quite know how to choose the right counsellor for you then please look at my FAQ page which has easy to understand info on all aspects of counselling. Alternatively, just send me an email or text and ask me a question. I will always do my best to answer, no question is a silly question.


To book your free consultation use this contact form or email me at beckyscounselling@gmail.com.

I will endeavour to get back to you within 48 hours. Sometimes it can take a little longer.